A Complete Design

Have you ever sat down and contemplated the great number of design decisions that exist in a high-performance listening room?  Most start with a concept, perhaps a theme but then run into the stark reality of physics and the integration of their dream into a technological reality.  Great Video and great sound do not automatically...

Equipment Advice

Perhaps no other aspect of home theater or media room design has more public interest than “What do I buy?”  At QuestAI, we’re equally consumed with this issue since the final result, will have our name on it.  The right speakers, amplifier, projector, screen… is really important.

Great Theater

What is a great theater?  Beautiful décor, a big screen, comfortable seats?  A truly great theater transcends the obvious and captures the soul.  Sound that transports the listener to another time and place.  Video that inspires, not only by its magnitude but by its clarity and realism.  Technology has allowed the outer limits of the...


Investments are expenditures that will enhance the value of your financial status for the long term.  You invest in a fine home because its value will grow.  You add solid features and use high quality materials to make life better but it’s still an investment where you hope to see a return.  I’m not suggesting...

Set the Mood

A great performance is why we buy the ticket.  But the stage, the environment, your surroundings set the mood.  Before you press start and even before your guests select a seat, the mood begins the performance.  A room with every detail considered and a stunning appearance creates an impression that will carry on through the...

The Best

Looking at all the details QuestAI designs, all the possibilities; what is the best?  The best means that we are responsible for every detail and every element in the room.  We handle the design of every aspect and, preferably, manage the project and all the subcontractors.  The best means that nothing is left to chance. ...

State of the Art

The state of the art in sound and video reproduction is the holy grail of every enthusiast.  It seems to be a fleeting goal as technology marches forward.  We can’t guarantee that your projector will always be the best on the market, but we can design-in the ability to change.  More importantly, we can design...

Every Detail

If you’ve ever wandered into a high-end audio shop and discovered they smugly assert that they do single speaker demos, you might have an edge in your audio experience.  You see, they remove all other speakers from the room to eliminate the sympathetic vibrations (which are audible) from the sound field.  Sounds pretty farfetched, but...

The Finest Quality

A hand-made watch or cabinet can represent the pinnacle of craftsmanship, but the achievement of quality requires a gifted design.  QuestAI can take charge of your project with our trusted sub-contractors.  We can require the best materials and select the top components, but the essence of the finest quality will always be in the design....

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